Many believe direct mail marketing is a lost, ineffective tactic.

It’s not, we see it all the time. Local political ads, retail, coupons, etc.

It’s no secret people hate junk mail. The key is making your direct mail not “junk”. – but it’s getting trickier to stay relevant. Gone are the days when you could just set up shop and wait for customers to walk in: now, you need to make sure people notice you.

A lot of businesses turn to social media to get noticed, content marketing, email blasts, and influencer partnerships – all great ways to reach people online.

But with so much existing noise in the digital space, sometimes a direct, tangible connection is exactly what you need to stand out.

That’s where Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) comes in. It’s a simple, budget-friendly way to get your message right into people’s mailboxes, no internet needed.

Curious to learn more about EDDM direct mail and how it can benefit your business? Let’s begin!

every door direct mail

Table of Content

A Quick Guide to EDDM

Why Choose EDDM?

How Does EDDM Work?

Planning Your EDDM Campaign

Design Considerations and Following USPS Regulations

Launching Your EDDM Campaign with USPS

Final Thoughts

A Quick Guide to EDDM

Every Door Direct Mail is a program run by the United States Postal Service (USPS) through a business mail entry unit. It’s designed to help businesses reach every mailbox in specific neighborhoods, without the need for addresses or names.

With EDDM services, you target local neighborhoods and postal routes and send a mail piece (called a flat mailer) to every residential household along the route. You don’t need any contact information at all – the USPS just sends your mailer to everyone in the neighborhood.

Why does this matter? Think about it – local customers are the backbone of small businesses. They’re your regulars, your advocates, and often, your friends. EDDM creates a tangible connection and builds community presence, so customers choose you over a competitor from another area.

The benefits don’t stop there.

Start Using EDDM!

Why Choose EDDM?

 Is EDDM effective?

Yes, it certainly is! Here’s why.

No Need for a Mailing List

You don’t need to collect mailing lists or addresses with EDDM. Just pick your postal route, and you’ll reach every mailbox on the block.

Saves You Money

EDDM is cheaper than a lot of other mailing methods. You don’t need a postal permit, and the postage costs are lower too.

Simple Targeting

Choose where you want your mail to go by area, and let USPS do the rest. It’s a no-fuss way to reach whole neighborhoods.

Better Responses

People pay more attention to something they can hold. Mail has that personal touch that often gets a better response than digital ads.

Great for Deals and Updates

If you have deals or news you want the neighborhood to know about, EDDM is a fantastic way to spread the word and get customers walking through your door.

How Does EDDM Work?

EDDM printing in your area only lets you send flat items like postcards, brochures, or flyers- no packages. While the USPS website lays out all the specifics for setting up an EDDM campaign, many people find it easier to work with a local print shop. A reliable printing services company can take care of both the printing and the mailing details, simplifying the process for you.

At Digiprint, we specialize in EDDM printing services tailored to meet all your needs. Trust our Reno print shop to take care of everything, from crafting USPS-compliant postcards to designing eye-catching brochures that stand out in the mail. Get in touch to learn more!

Planning Your EDDM Campaign

Since 2011, EDDM services have resulted in more than 30 billion pieces of mail and $4.3 billion in revenue. If you’re looking to leverage this strategy, here’s how to plan your campaign.

Define Your Target Audience

Start by identifying which neighborhoods contain your ideal customers. Consider factors like location, demographics (age, income levels, family size), and interest. The USPS offers tools to help you pinpoint the best delivery routes based on these criteria. The more aligned your message is with the audience’s needs and lifestyles, the higher the impact.

Choose Your Mail Piece Format

Do you want to send a standard postcard, a larger flyer, or perhaps a brochure? Your choice depends on how much information you need to convey. Postcards are great for short, impactful messages, while flyers or brochures can provide more detailed information and visuals.

Boost Reach with EDDM!

Design Considerations and Following USPS Regulations

Once you’ve picked your format, it’s time to get creative. Design your mail piece to stand out in the stack. Use bright colors, engaging images, and clear, direct language.

All all designs need to meet USPS size and layout regulations to ensure delivery.

  • Each piece must be longer than 10.5” OR taller than 6.125” OR and thicker than ¼”
  • Each piece must be smaller than 12”x15”
  • Each piece should weigh less than 3.03 ounces
  • The pieces need to be the same size, so they can be bundled in packs of 50 to 100.
  • You can only send as many as 5,000 pieces of marketing collateral in a day.

Some of the most chosen marketing materials for EDDM mailings in the U.S. are 6.5” x 9” postcards, 8.5” x 11” oversized postcards, and 4.25” x 14” tri-fold brochures or menus.

Launching Your EDDM Campaign with USPS

Once you have your mailers ready, it’s time to get your EDDM marketing campaign off the ground. Here’s how.

Online Tools for Selecting Delivery Areas and Approvals

The USPS offers a suite of online tools to make planning your EDDM campaign a breeze. You can easily select which neighborhoods you want to target with their interactive maps. Feel free to filter areas by zip code, household size, or income level to make sure your mail reaches the right audience. You can also get instant approval for your routes right on the USPS website.

Postage Options

The USPS offers cost-effective postage options specifically for EDDM users. To capitalize on these savings, visit the USPS EDDM page, compare the postage rates, understand how post office drop off works, and choose one that best fits your budget and campaign size.

Submitting Your Campaign to the USPS

The final step is to submit your campaign. For this, you’ll need to bundle your mail according to USPS guidelines and drop them off at the local post office location. From there, the USPS takes care of the distribution. You don’t need to worry about sorting or further handling; just drop off your bundles, and your part is done.

Track Your Campaign

You’ll need to track your EDDM campaign to measure its effectiveness. If you notice the response rates are lower than expected, consider tweaking your message or targeting a different audience. It’s about understanding what works, and what doesn’t, and adjusting accordingly to maximize your campaign’s impact.

Final Thoughts

EDDM offers a unique opportunity to make a solid, visible impact in your local community. With a little planning and creativity, you can launch a campaign that not only reaches but resonates with your target audience.

Ready to make your local marketing more effective? Connect with your community directly through Digiprint’s EDDM services. We’ll discuss your campaign in detail – from printing cost, printing guidelines, postage permit, drop off date, and everything in between.

Don’t wait to boost your visibility – reach out to us today!