We live in a world where everything feels digitized – because it is. Given this reality, catalog design and printing may seem like a blast from the past.

But believe it or not – it’s making a huge comeback to sell products and services. In fact, printing a catalog or magazine can be incredibly disruptive (in a good way) in this digital era.

Nearly 44% of consumers visit a brand’s website after receiving direct mail advertising. Print marketing also boasts a 70-80% higher recall rate than digital advertising.

In other words, business catalog printing is not just surviving in 2024; it’s thriving with fresh, innovative ideas. These new, creative print catalog trends are taking the world by storm. If you are thinking of investing in custom catalog printing, you need to know about these latest trends. It will help you get the most out of your print marketing efforts.

Let’s take a look at the up-and-coming print catalog trends in 2024.

Catalog Printing

Table of Content


Smart Packaging = Better User Experience

Data-Driven Design and Targeting

Print-On-Demand and Inventory Optimization

Stay Ahead of the Latest Print Catalog Trends

Designs and Files to Provide


Direct mail, which includes product catalogs and magazines, has a 4.9% response rate. Marketers and brands are taking it a step further with interactive storytelling – perhaps the most prominent catalog trend in 2024.

Many brands are moving away from traditional catalog design and printing as it only features a list of products.

The focus is shifting toward interactive catalog cover design ideas, high-quality photography, and stories that draw readers into the brand’s world. For example, home décor brands like Ikea set up their products in natural settings. These tastefully designed catalogs help readers see how their products look in real life.

Brands like Bonobos have already mastered the art of storytelling in printed catalogs. Whether it’s their lifestyle guide focused on golf or the fall style guide, their business catalog printing is killing it with storytelling. Their catalogs are full of high-quality photos in real-life settings like golf clubs, offices, and restaurants. That’s how readers get to experience the story behind their clothes.

If you are thinking of printing a catalog in 2024, think of weaving an interactive story in your design. Look for local custom printing services that can understand your storytelling vision and bring it to life. Or better yet, find someone who can help you create, design, and print your catalog from scratch.

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Smart Packaging = Better User Experience

Another catalog trend that’s making waves is smart packaging. It uses features like near-field communication (NFC) tags. This technology offers two benefits: it helps you track your catalogs and boosts user experience.

You can embed NFC tags in catalog packaging. When scanned, these tags provide you with the real-time location of your catalogs. This helps you monitor your catalog supply chain, making sure every catalog reaches its destination in time.

Many catalog printing services now embed NFC tags in the catalog. You can use these tags to send personalized messages or access unique online content. This blend of print and digital leads to a better brand experience within the interior pages.

For industries like manufacturing, NFC tags are a game-changer for wholesale catalogs. These tags are instrumental in helping readers understand how complex product lines, equipment, or tech works. NFC tags, embedded in catalogs, provide access to video demonstrations, 3D product views, and to contact customer service. This makes your catalogs highly effective.

When looking for ‘catalog printing near me,’ be sure to ask them about these digital features. Select a printing expert who knows their way around NFC tags, and other interactive digital tech. This can help you significantly boost your reach and conversions.

Data-Driven Design and Targeting

Personalization continues to be a driving force, with over half of consumers (56%) saying they are more likely to make a repeat purchase after a personalized experience. You’ve got to keep this in mind when printing a catalog.

Customers have come to expect personalized brand experiences. That means your personalization efforts should go beyond catchy catalog cover design ideas. Your customers want to see catalogs full of products and deals tailored to their liking. That’s where data-driven design and targeting comes in.

You may already have a ton of user data, including what they like and dislike. It’s time to put this data to work. Even if you are working with local custom printing services, you can leverage this data to create personalized catalogs for your customers.

With variable data printing (VDP), you can personalize elements like graphics and images within the catalog pages. This print catalog trend can also extend to packaging. Imagine how delighted your customers would be when they receive your catalog in a personalized package. So, when printing your next catalog, discuss these options with your catalog printing expert.

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Print-On-Demand and Inventory Optimization

Print-on-demand has revolutionized catalog printing services. This commercial-grade printing is well known for its quick turnaround times. These are short printing runs, usually only a few hundred or less than a hundred copies. You can order these copies in as little as a few hours.

This growing catalog trend comes with many benefits. For one, it eliminates the need for overprinting, which reduces waste and makes bulk catalog printing more sustainable. Print-on-demand is highly cost-effective because it prints only the number of copies you need. You also end up saving money on shipping and storage. It’s a win-win for everyone.

So, that’s one more thing to keep in mind when searching for ‘catalog printing near me.’ Ask the printing expert if they can provide you with printing on-demand.

Stay Ahead of the Latest Print Catalog Trends

In 2024, we will see the print marketing industry adopt data-driven design and targeting to take their custom catalogs to the next level. It will also embrace interactive storytelling, smart packaging, and print-on-demand. These trends will define the future of print marketing.

Here at Digiprint, we will help you stay ahead of the curve. Our experts are well aware of the latest color catalog printing and design trends. We are here to help you leverage them successfully. Let’s bring your brand the attention it deserves.

Reach out to us for a free quote today! For existing clients, please contact customer service to learn more.