It’s no secret that technology has changed the way people use printed materials. After all, you don’t have to print out directions any longer for road trips, and you can get your news straight from your phone. However, printed materials are imperative to the success of businesses in many industries, and the medical industry is no exception.

While no one can deny the innovation and access that technology has brought us with things like websites, social media, and search engines, there’s simply no replacing many different types of print products, especially for medical businesses like doctors, therapists, chiropractors, and more.

Below, find a few of the indispensable print products for the medical industry.

Business Cards

Dental Business Cards

It should go without saying that business cards are currency for a local business, and the medical industry is no exception. While many patients may find your business online, there’s a world of prospective patients who you may come across at a coffee shop, restaurant, networking event, conference, or elsewhere.

Branded business cards make a great first point of contact. Additionally, it’s great to have business cards easily accessible in your office for those sales reps, pharmaceutical companies, and others who may just be stopping in.

Appointment Cards

doctor handing a card

For existing patients, there’s not a more important printed product than an appointment card. Small enough to fit in a wallet or purse, appointment cards help keep patients organized. Additionally, branded appointment cards provide great free marketing for your business.


medical brochure

Brochures and catalogs make a great first point of contact for many new patients. Whether it’s general information about your business, information about different procedures, or support materials, this is a great way to introduce and educate patients.

Often, patients and clients want to take the information in a brochure home to use as a guide or reference material, and they frequently pass them on to friends and family. For those patients who want more information, they can then use technology to do their own research or follow up with questions.



Mailers and postcards are some of the best marketing tools for a doctor’s office or medical company in a local place. Whether it’s a special offer, information about new services, or education, mailers are a great way to reach people who don’t already know about your business.

What’s more, you can target the specific demographics and neighborhoods you want to reach. At Digiprint, we can take care of the design, printing, and fulfillment of your mailers so you don’t have to worry about a thing.


Dental Calendars at Digiprint

A well-thought-out calendar can be beautiful, practical and offer free marketing all in one. Giving calendars out to patients, friends, and family to put up in their homes and offices aren’t just a great gift idea, but it can also turn into new referrals for your

Pre-Printed Envelopes

pre printed envelope
Now, more than ever, your time and the time of your employees are important. Branded, pre-printed envelopes give back some of your time, saving you from the tedious act of writing out addresses or adhering address stickers. Like many of these other products, they’re also free marketing.

Digiprint | Medical Print Marketing

With more than 30 years of print experience, Digiprint can help your medical office get more clients and build well-deserved trust with the ones you have using high-quality print marketing materials.

Let’s build profitability and make your business one that people will remember!
Learn more and contact us to see how we can help.