In today’s competitive marketplace, brand identity is more important than you think. Branding connects you with your target audience, creating a loyal customer base. After all, 77% of consumers do prefer shopping with brands they follow on social media. 

 In other words, you need to build a strong brand identity for your business. It’s probably the only thing distinguishing you from your competitors. While there are many ways to build and grow your brand identity, magazine printing is an effective medium most marketers forget about. It can showcase your brand’s story, values, and offerings to a wide audience.

 Let’s see how a professional magazine printing service can help build your brand identity.

Magazine Benefits

A. What Is Brand Identity?

Before we get into the benefits of magazine advertising, let’s first understand what brand identity is. 

In simple words, brand identity is the visual elements of a brand. It includes your logo, colors, typography, tone of voice, and the emotions associated with your brand. These elements help distinguish your brand from your competitors. But more importantly, a strong brand identity helps establish credibility, trust, and recognition in the minds of your consumers.


B. Know The Power of Print

Contrary to popular belief, print media isn’t dead. In fact, when you combine digital advertising with print advertising, your online campaigns will be 400% more effective. That’s the power of print.  

 1) Print’s Enduring Appeal

 Yes, digital media has become increasingly popular. But print media maintains a unique allure. Physical magazines have a sense of tangibility and credibility that digital platforms often lack. Readers often consider print magazines as trustworthy and authoritative. That’s what makes them an excellent medium to build your brand identity.

2) Tangibility and Permanence

 Print magazines offer a tactile experience that engages readers on a deeper level. The physical nature of magazines allows readers to interact with the content. You can flip through pages and immerse yourselves in the visuals and articles. This tactile experience creates a lasting impression. That, in turn, enhances your brand recognition and recall.

 3) Targeted Reach and Audience Engagement

 Print magazines have a highly targeted reach. That’s one of the most lauded benefits of magazine advertising. By selecting the right publication, you can ensure your brand message reaches the desired demographic. Furthermore, readers tend to engage more actively with print media. They often devote attention to the content. This engagement allows your brand to connect with the audience more meaningfully.

C. Print Magazines: Building Blocks for Brand Identity

With 95% of people under 25 reading magazines, using them to create brand identity makes sense. But you will need to consider a few factors before hiring the magazine printing and mailing services

1) Visual Design and Layout

One of the unique print magazine benefits includes its visual design and layout. They play a vital role in capturing your brand’s essence. But you must use consistent colors, fonts, and imagery that align with your brand identity. It helps convey your brand values and personality effectively. Remember, a well-designed magazine not only attracts attention but also reinforces your brand image.

2) High-Quality Content Creation

Compelling content is the backbone of any successful magazine. High-quality articles, interviews, features, and visuals add value to your brand’s message. Creating well-crafted content that aligns with your brand identity helps establish expertise and build trust with your audience.

3) Brand Storytelling

Storytelling is one of the best print magazine benefits You can weave narratives and brand stories into your content. It’s the best way to connect with readers on an emotional level. Sharing captivating stories that resonate with your target audience helps build a deeper and more personal connection with your brand.

4) Consistency and Cohesion

Maintaining consistency across all magazine elements is crucial for brand identity. From design to content and messaging, every aspect should reflect your brand values. Cohesiveness ensures a unified brand experience and reinforces your identity in the minds of readers.

D. Amplifying Your Brand Identity Through Print Magazine

Print magazines are an excellent choice for building brand identity. But whether you want to design an effective business card or a magazine, you will need to consider a few things first. They include:

 1) Creating a Strong Cover

The magazine cover is the first point of contact with readers. Design an eye-catching and impactful cover that accurately represents your brand identity. A compelling cover grabs attention, arouses curiosity, and entices readers to explore further.

2)Use the Right Book Binding

Likewise, you should also use the right binding for your magazine. Perfect-bound magazine printing is best for lightweight, flexible, and sleek magazines. On the other hand, saddle stitch binding benefits include low cost, quick turnaround, and heavier covers. It is also suited for short production runs. 

 3) Strategic Ad Placement

Advertising in print magazines offers unique advantages for brand identity. Strategically place your ads in publications relevant to your target audience. It will enhance your brand perception and recognition.

Print ads provide a tangible and credible platform for showcasing your products or services. But be sure to talk to your print design services expert to discuss your ad placement.

 4) Collaborative Partnerships and Features

Collaborating with influential brands or individuals can also boost your brand identity. Partnerships and featuring complementary businesses or industry experts in your magazine can expand your reach and credibility. Besides, associating with respected entities elevates your brand image and fosters trust among readers.

5) Interactive and Innovative Elements

Incorporating interactive print elements can add novelty and enhance reader engagement. Augmented reality features, QR codes, or hidden surprises create a memorable experience and reinforce your brand’s innovative nature.

These elements spark curiosity and encourage readers to interact with your magazine. That’s where custom printing services come in. You can design these elements just the way you see fit.

Magazine Benefits

E. Measuring Success: Key Metrics and Evaluation

Getting your magazine printed and circulated isn’t enough. You also need to track and evaluate the key metrics. You can track metrics like circulation, readership, engagement levels, and response rates. They can provide valuable insights into the impact of your magazine campaigns. Keep analyzing these metrics to refine your strategies and optimize your brand-building initiatives.



 Magazine printing is a powerful tool for building brand identity, even in today’s digital landscape. It offers enduring appeal, tangibility, and targeted reach that digital media cannot replicate. You can use it to showcase your brand and connect with your target audience on a deeper level. Hopefully, this post will help you incorporate print magazines into your digital marketing strategies.

 Digiprint Corporation can help you leverage the power of print magazines. Build your brand identity with our print magazine services. Contact us now to learn more.