We’ve often had clients come to us after networking events, frustrated that their business cards didn’t make the impact they had hoped for. Despite their investment and efforts, their cards simply ended up lost in the shuffle.

But really, are business cards still relevant in today’s digital-first world?


Business cards provide a quick, personal way to share who you are and what you do. A good business card can spark conversations that lead to valuable professional relationships.

If your business card is poorly designed, it’s likely to be forgotten in a drawer. And that’s where we can help!

At Digiprint, we understand the power of effective business card design. Our team is committed to crafting trending business cards that draw attention and accurately reflect your brand identity. In this post, we’ll share eight tips on how to make an effective business card that leaves a lasting impression.

different types of book binding

Table of Content

Keep it Simple, But Significant

Use Color Strategically

Choose the Right Size and Shape

Make it Memorable with the Material

Use A Good Font

Consider a Call to Action

Proofread Your Work Multiple Times

Use a Local Printer

The Bottom Line

Transform Your Business Cards Today!

Keep it Simple, But Significant

For business cards, simplicity is key. Overloading your card with too much information or too many design elements can create a visual clutter that’s hard for anyone to navigate. Instead, you should aim for a clean, streamlined design that focuses on essential information.

Wondering what to put on business cards? Stick to the essentials like:

  • Your name
  • Your company name and website URL
  • Your job title or expertise
  • Your contact details (phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile link)
  • Your brand logo

Remember, your business card acts like a mini billboard for yourself—it needs to grab attention and make a memorable impression without overwhelming the viewer. Highlight these key elements and ensure they are executed perfectly.

Use Color Strategically

Color is a strategic tool that can communicate your brand’s personality before you even introduce yourself.

Pick a color scheme that truly mirrors the vibe of your brand. Want to stand out? Go for a bold hue that captures attention. Prefer to keep it classic? Opt for neutral tones that convey sophistication and elegance. Either way, make sure there’s some contrast between the background and the text for easy readability.

Choose the Right Size and Shape

Standard business cards typically measure 3.5 x 2 inches and fit comfortably in most wallets and card holders. However, if you want to break from the norm, consider a specialty-shaped business card.

Cards with rounded corners or oval shapes can make a striking statement and help your brand stick in people’s minds. You can even go with die-cut business cards for something completely distinctive.

It’s important to stay practical. A card too large can become a hassle to carry around, while overly intricate designs might not slide into a wallet easily. The goal is to find a balance that reflects your brand’s personality without sacrificing convenience.

Start Designing Your Perfect Card!

Make it Memorable with the Material

Never underestimate the power of the first touch. Your business card’s material can influence how it’s perceived and remembered.

To create effective business cards, think beyond the standard paper stock.

Textured Cardstock

A textured finish can add a tactile dimension that makes your card feel as good as it looks.

Recycled Materials

If your brand champions environmental causes, using recycled materials can reinforce your commitment to sustainability. It’s a thoughtful touch that speaks to your values and can resonate well with like-minded individuals.

Metal or Plastic

Looking for something different, durable, and luxurious? Go for metal or plastic business cards. Sure, they’re a bit more expensive, but the payoff is well worth it.

Use A Good Font

Stylish fonts are great, but you want recipients to be able to read your business card immediately. If the typography is too small, too fancy, or distorted, they might just toss it away.

Choose fonts that are easy on the eyes. Anyone, under any lighting, should be able to read it without squinting.

Also, using more than two types of fonts can make your card look chaotic. Keep it to one or two to maintain a clean, professional look.

Consider a Call to Action

Even the simplest business card has room for a clever call to action. Why not use that space wisely?

Add a quick offer, like a discount code or a direct link to your website. Throw it in a QR code for easy access. Or create a business card with an appointment on the back. You could also include a handy tip or piece of advice your recipient will find useful.

Hitting the mark with a specific call to action or other helpful information might just turn your casual exchange into a solid lead. It’s a small touch that could usher in big opportunities with potential clients and partners.

Enhance Your Brand Image!

Proofread Your Work Multiple Times

Before you print a new stack of cards, take the time to proofread- then do it again. A typo or a misprint on your business card can quickly turn into a missed opportunity.

Double-check every detail, from your phone number to your email address. Ask a friend or colleague to review it, too – a fresh pair of eyes can catch mistakes you might have missed.

Use a Local Printer

Going local for your business card printing service can make a big difference. Not only do you get to support a local business, but you also benefit from more personalized service from professional designers.

You can easily pop in and see samples, discuss paper options, or even catch errors early in the process. Plus, turnaround times are often quicker when you don’t have to wait for shipping.

When searching for “local business card printing,” look for a printer with great reviews and a reputation for quality. Talk about what you need and see how flexible they are with orders. Can they accommodate last-minute changes? Do they offer a range of materials and finishes for printing business cards?

Get quotes from a few printers to see how they stack up against each other. While the cheapest option isn’t always the best, it’s worth knowing the market rate.

The Bottom Line

A business card is a powerful part of your professional image. Apart from conveying vital information, it also offers a glimpse into your brand’s style and ethos. By incorporating these tips, you can create a business card that captures attention and cements your professional connections.

The best business cards are the ones that people can’t bring themselves to throw away. Digiprint has helped countless professionals in Reno create unique business cards, and we can help you also. Get in touch with us to learn more!