So, you’ve launched your new business and are ready to spread the word. There might be one powerful tool you might be overlooking:

Print marketing.

Yes, you read that right.

In a world full of screens and digital noise, it’s easy to think print marketing is old news. But for small businesses, it’s anything but.

Not only is print marketing alive and kicking, but it also brings something special to the table. The feel of a beautifully designed business card or the eye-catching presence of a well-placed poster can leave a lasting impression in ways digital media can’t match.

Ready to find out how you can use printed promotional materials to give your business a serious edge? Let’s dive in!

printed materials for marketing

Table of Content

Define Your Print Marketing Goals and Target Audience

Choose the Right Print Materials for Your Needs

Design Print Materials that Convert

Print Production and Distribution

Boost Your Marketing Campaigns with Custom Printed Materials from Digiprint

Define Your Print Marketing Goals and Target Audience

First off, establish what you want to achieve with your print marketing.

Maybe you want more people to know about your brand, drive more foot traffic to your store, or keep your existing customers coming back. Clearly defining your goals will help you create print materials that hit home.

Next, get a solid grasp on who your ideal customer is. Think about their demographics: age, gender, location, and income level.

– What are their interests?

– What kind of media do they consume?

The better you know your audience, the more effective your print materials for marketing will be.

Choose the Right Print Materials for Your Needs

Once you’ve got your goals and target audience figured out, it’s time to pick the right print materials to get your message out there. Let’s explore the best options to help you make the most impact.

every door direct mail

Business Cards

Never underestimate the power of a great business card. It’s your portable introduction, perfect for networking and making a memorable impression. Keep a stack handy for events, meetings, or spontaneous encounters.

Flyers and Brochures

Flyers and brochures are your go-to for promoting local events, special sales, or sharing detailed information about new products or services. Leave them in high-traffic spots like cafes, community centers, or local shops to grab the attention of potential customers.

every door direct mail
every door direct mail


Ideal for quick updates, special offers, or friendly reminders, postcards are affordable and can be mailed directly to your target audience.

Posters and Banners

Want to make a big splash? Posters and banners are perfect for high-impact visuals. You can use these custom marketing materials for events, store openings, or special promotions. They draw attention and can pull in foot traffic from a distance.

every door direct mail
every door direct mail

Catalogs or Booklets

For customers who love to browse and learn more about what you offer, you can distribute catalogs or booklets showcasing your products at your store, trade shows, or through direct mail.

Explore Our Print Marketing Solutions

Design Print Materials that Convert

To create print materials that actually drive results, you need to be smart about design. The experts at our printing services in Reno NV have compiled some tips on how to make your print materials stand out in a crowd.

Use High-Quality Images

The images you use should resonate with your target audience, whether it’s photos, illustrations, or infographics. Keep in mind, it’s super obvious when you use lower quality images – and it can compromise your company’s credibility at a glance. Make sure they are sharp, vibrant, and relevant to your offerings. Great visuals grab attention and make your printed marketing materials more memorable.

Write Concise and Persuasive Copy

Keep your text short, sweet, and punchy. Highlight the benefits of your products or services and include a clear call to action. Let your audience know exactly what you want them to do next – be it visiting your store, checking out your website, or calling for more information.

Choose the Right Color Palette

Colors evoke emotions and can influence perceptions. Pick a color scheme that aligns with your brand and appeals to your audience. Implement colors strategically to highlight important information and create visual interest.

Craft Powerful Headlines

Your headline is the first thing people will read, so make it count. Use bold, compelling headers that grab attention and entice readers to learn more. A strong headline can make a big difference in how your message is received.

Pick a Unique Cut

When it comes to the shapes you can use for your printed marketing materials, there are endless possibilities. Feel free to customize the shape to fit your logo or branding elements for a unique touch.

For example, if you sell musical instruments, consider designing your business card to look like a guitar pick.

You can add multiple curves to folders or brochures, alter pockets, or create custom window shapes. Using die cuts can accentuate crucial design elements, such as your business logo or a featured product, to make your materials even more engaging.

Choose the Right Font

Typography plays an essential role in readability and overall design. Pick fonts that are clear and easy to read, even from a distance. Avoid using too many different fonts; stick to one or two that complement each other and reflect your brand’s personality.

Maintain a Cohesive Visual Identity

It’s important to ensure all your print materials have a consistent look and feel. Use the same logo, fonts, and color scheme to reinforce your brand identity and make your materials instantly recognizable. Consistency builds trust and makes your marketing efforts more effective.

Start Designing Impactful Print Materials Today

Print Production and Distribution

Finally, you need to send your promotional materials for printing. Here’s how to go about this.

Start by finding a reliable printing service that fits your budget and meets your quality standards. It’s best to go local here. If you’re a small business in Reno, you’d benefit from working with a reputable shop offering printing in Reno NV.

Local printers understand community and regional trends, meaning they’ll tailor your materials based on what’s trending in your region.  

Also, local printers typically offer more personalized service and quicker turnaround times, which can be crucial for last-minute projects. You can easily visit them to check on proofs and discuss your needs in person.

Pick the Right Type of Paper

Consider the right type of paper weight and finish you want. Do you want a glossy finish for vibrant colors or a matte finish for a more sophisticated look? The right choices can make your print materials pop and leave a lasting impression.

Targeted Distribution

Get your print materials into the right hands by distributing them at relevant events, trade shows, or local businesses. Determine where your target audience hangs out and focus your efforts there. Handing out flyers at a community event or placing brochures in popular local spots can boost your visibility.

Direct Mail Campaigns

Create a targeted mailing list and send your best marketing materials directly to potential clients. This way, your message is more likely to be seen by people interested in your service. Add a personal touch by addressing recipients by name.

Boost Your Marketing Campaigns with Custom Printed Materials from Digiprint

Print marketing is not a standalone effort; it should complement your digital marketing strategy.

By creating a cohesive marketing mix, you can provide a well-rounded customer experience that leverages the strengths of both print and digital media. Embrace print marketing, and watch your small business thrive with the power of tangible, targeted, and visually impactful materials.

Get high-quality printed materials for marketing tailored to your brand identity.  Partner with Digiprint, your local printing experts in Reno NV, for personalized printing services that exceed expectations. Contact us today, and let’s bring your vision to life!